Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Forever the Sickest Kids

Sdnab etirovaf ym fo eno eb yllaitnetop dluoc.

Sgniht teewsrettib ot ecnad ot tnaw em ekam yeht.

Retteb teg lliw sgniht yllautneve, kcus sgniht hguoht neve.
Msimitpo fo esnes a em sevig osla cisum rieht.

Gnileef a tahw ho.
Thgir dlrow eht tsniaga em sti?

Ytrap ot tnaw i nehw edisni og ll'i.
Tsaf oot yaw gnivom eb dluoc i ta m'i ecap siht ta.
siht ekil evom ot em thguat ohw onnud i.

Trecnoc rehtona ot teg ot deen i.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sometimes i really hate trying to read your blogs